Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Misinterpretation of Hobby Lobby

This week, the United States Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, held that Hobby Lobby did not have to provide coverage for four specific drug protocols which are designed to cause a woman to spontaneously abort a fetus.

Almost immediately, the feminists and other leftist types took to the streets, proclaiming that this decision denied employees of the closely held company the right to contraception coverage. (It did no such thing.) Equally immediately, conservatives were arguing that, (for once) religious freedom had prevailed.

Before we settle that weighty issue, we all should take a breath and consider what health insurance is really all about. I have a brother who is CEO of an insurance consulting firm. While his area of expertise is property and casualty insurance, he pointed out in a Facebook posting a (perhaps forgotten) universal truth of insurance in general. Insurance in any form is not designed to cover everything; rather it is designed to protect the insured from the type of catastrophic loss that can bankrupt an individual or company.

Think about that for a moment. If you were to file a claim for every scratch and parking lot "ding" that happens to your car, what would you expect to happen to your premiums? That's right, before long, you'd be either paying through the nose, or cancelled. Accordingly, when we get one of those little  "cart marks," we often ignore it, or if we have it repaired, we PAY for the repair, leaving our insurance company to cover that untimely mating between your Buick and someone else's Ford. Works pretty well for car insurance, doesn't it?

When it comes to health insurance, however, our perspective changes. We seem to want to pay NOTHING for every little visit to the doctor, for every prescription, regardless of how inexpensive.
Now, to be perfectly honest, birth control pills cost $9 per month. But, if our health insurance doesn't cover it, some feel that they're being denied a human right. So, in order to cover that benefit for females of child bearing age, we ALL have to pony up a little more premium whether we are male or female, child bearing or not.

Since it has been decided that this benefit is necessary,  let's add in the next variable. When the PPACA (also known as Obamacare) was being considered, one of the "sticking points" that had to be dealt with was government (tax payer dollars) paying for abortion. In order to secure passage of the bill, it was agreed that there would be no Federal funding of abortion. This assuaged the concerns of many Christians, such as the Green family who own Hobby Lobby.

However, many feminists we not happy with this, demanding that among the contraceptive protocols that be covered would be the "morning after" pill and other pharmaceuticals that cause a woman to abort a conceived embryo. While the Greens were willing to accept coverage of 16 contraceptive drugs, their religious convictions dictated that they not allow the four drugs which cause spontaneous abortion.

The President and his minions have granted many exemptions to the PPACA for political friends and allies; for that matter, they've essentially changed the PPACA 38 times without bringing it back before the Congress, something MANY feel is a blatant example of executive overreach.

So, the Greens sought relief through the courts. And that brings us to this week. And this is where the madness begins. The whole of the left's representation is that this decision somehow limits the rights of Hobby Lobby associates to birth control. Nothing could be further from the truth and THEY KNOW IT. The left is counting on the fact that no one will pay attention to the actual DECISION of the SCOTUS, but will listen to the false brayings of the feminist lobby which is telling outright LIES. Certainly the media won't point out the falsehoods; they're already in the tank protecting their pals on the left.

Even Hillary Clinton has jumped into this deception, saying that she is "deeply disturbed that the associates at Hobby Lobby are being denied contraception," knowing FULL WELL  that it is UNTRUE. Anything to perpetuate the phony "war on women" that has become the main talking point of the left. Not only that, but her cries of foul run against the Religious Freedom Protection Act which her own husband signed.

They are depending on the stupidity of the American public to hold this against conservatives at the ballot box. Considering some of the truly remarkably ignorant things I have heard recently in "man on the street" interviews, this may work. If it does, God help us all.

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